Friday, November 25, 2005


Spirituality in its light terms means understanding of the worldly realities of life rather than leading a life in isolation and its natural implementation . Life is a complex word often misinterpretted as the opportunity to live in the realistic world with suffering and joys but it actually means fulfilling the order of the almighty and leading a life to do our duty and live in communion with nature.
Such percepts are often destroyed by the so called materialistic wants and man's struggle to satisfy his burning wordly desires.'SPIRITUALITY FOR TEENS' a phrase which most teens dont is assumed that the mere word SPIRITUALITY is meant only for people who have lost interest in life and that its derivatives are applicable only for those people ....but it actually means understanding the connectivity between the human mind and intellect and the worldly orders(from nature)....and leading a peaceful life with consecutive successes and internal calmness.

1 comment:

Swetha said...

hey.. jus had a question.. do u think everybody can be internally peaceful and calm and continuoslly succeed?? what if a person is born in a family of troubles.. poverty and ill health?? what is spirituality for him who has no bread and butter?? Is it nothing but a mere passtime for the haves ??